Darlington Nuclear Plant

Thursday 28 July 2011

Nuclear Power in Ontario

When it comes to nuclear power, most people get the wrong impression of it.  These people see huge mushroom clouds and nuclear meltdowns that cause whole cities to go into panic because of a radiation outburst.  But in actual fact nuclear power is one of the safest forms of producing power.  There have been no deaths in Ontario due to nuclear generating plants not working properly. 

Nuclear power produces no toxins harmful to the environment.  The only “smoke” it produces is actually just steam from the water the reactors need to work, not harmful to the atmosphere.  Nuclear power is also responsible for approximately 30% of Ontario’s power.  The five generating stations produce over 12,500MW of emission free power. 

Nuclear power should be used as a primary source of energy in Ontario because: it produces no emissions harmful to the environment, each generating station is capable of producing an enormous amount of power, and of course safety in the plants is top-notch and always improving to ensure the most safe working conditions possible. 

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